Thank You for your interest in Distro Wholesale. Please fill out the form and provide name of the business and Tax ID on the comments section.
Applications are reviewed manually. You will receive an email with your login credentials once approved.
We do not ship THCA products to the following states where THCA is restricted or illegal: Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont.
These products are not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 21.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These products are not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor prior to use. Discontinue use and consult with your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. You should not stop taking any medication that has been prescribed by your doctor and these products are never to be used in any other manner except as a supplement or in a recreational use manner.
Links from this website to any other websites do not constitute an endorsement, inferred or otherwise, of those websites or the content therein, nor do they suggest any endorsement of our website by the external website or its authors. They are provided simply as information that may be of interest to our visitors unless explicitly stated otherwise.Thank You for your interest in Distro Wholesale. Please fill out the form and provide name of the business and Tax ID on the comments section.
Applications are reviewed manually. You will receive an email with your login credentials once approved.
We do not ship THCA products to the following states where THCA is restricted or illegal: Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont.
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